When your child is new to our Centre, it is best if the parents allow their child to explore at their own pace. We encourage the parents and child to visit a couple times before your child’s scheduled start date in order to get him/her familiar with the teachers and program. Remain with your child until you feel comfortable leaving; do not hesitate to discuss your feelings or concerns with a staff member. Parents are always welcome at Polka Dot Preschool! Take time to enjoy this new and exciting experience in your child’s life. Each child is unique; some children enjoy group environments immediately, while others take time to adjust to new surroundings and new individuals.
Forms Required For Registration
Other Forms
Meal Plans
Fee Payment Schedule
Fees are payable on the 1st of every month in advance by cheque. Any adjustments, which are necessary as a result of prolonged illness, should be arranged with the Director at such time. We require a Last Month’s Security Deposit of 2 weeks and a $50.00 Registration Fee for all children enrolled at Polka Dot Preschool.
Toddler Fees | $68.00 per day per child |
JR. & SR. Preschool Fees | $62.00 per day per child |
JR. & SR. Kindergarten Fees | $60.00 per day per child |
Sick Children Policy
At Polka Dot Preschool, we thrive to create a happy and healthy environment for the children to learn and grown in. According to York Region Public Health, children who are ill cannot attend child care programs if their own well being or the well being of other children is in jeopardy.
Families need to make alternative care arrangements and seek medical attention for the following conditions:
- Unexplained or undiagnosed pain
- Acute cold with fever, runny nose and eyes, coughing and sore throat
- Difficulty with breathing
- Fever over 38 degrees centigrade (100.4 °F) accompanied by general symptoms such as listlessness
- Sore throat and difficulty swallowing
- Undiagnosed skin or eye rash
- Headache and stiff neck
- Unexplained diarrhea or loose stool, combined with vomiting and abdominal cramps
- Severe itching of body and scalp
- Known or suspected communicable diseases
Children who have some symptoms of illness may continue to attend Polka Dot Preschool. Such circumstances include:
- Minor upper respiratory infections with no fever;
- Taking antibiotics with no fever or other symptoms of illness; and
- Chronic symptoms such as a low-grade fever or cough that have been diagnosed as non-infectious.
When a child is diagnosed with a communicable disease (e.g. chicken pox), Polka Dot Preschool is required to advise York Region Public Health Department and the parents of the centre. A child who has recovered from a contagious disease, such as chicken pox or impetigo, will be required to be examined by a medical doctor before returning to Polka Dot and a doctor’s note will be required stating the child is no longer contagious.
Dear Mommy and Daddy
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
I’m writing this letter to tell you how much I enjoy my time at Polka Dot Preschool. Sometimes, I start my day with a few tears to make you a little sad because you are leaving me. Usually I’m fine after one minute! Sometimes I cry longer to make sure you hear me on your way out the door. But the tears get wiped away and my teachers give me hugs and kisses. They have a different hug depending on my situation. “Teddy Bear” hugs for good morning. “Squeeze and Laugh” hugs for fun and “Gentle Embrace” for don’t worry, I’m here for you.
I love to jump, climb, run and kick, but for some reason, I have to walk in the classroom and sit at the table. The teachers know that I love the food but I think they are being funny when they ask me to eat it with this shiny thing called a “spoon”. My fingers are much better for picking out those peas from my bowl at lunch time!
And the next thing – the washroom. There are many fun objects there: long paper to unroll, toilets to make noise and sinks to play with the running water. I can’t stay there too long because I have many other important things to do.
Finger painting and play dough are my favourite things. I also like to have sleeptime so that I can dream about my sweet snack, stories my teacher reads to me each morning and all the fun things I’m going to do when I wake up.
I have lots of friends. They make me laugh and sometime angry, especially when they want to play with MY toys, in MY dramatic centre, and with MY teachers. Don’t they understand that everything belongs to me? Sometimes my friends use this strange word “sharing”, but I try not to pay attention since THEY belong to ME too.
I’m happy and busy here. All day is full of excitement and learning fun. There is however, one moment which makes my day… it is the time when you come with a smile on your face and love in your heart that I know you’re the best in the whole world!!! I love you mommy and daddy!!
With love from your wonderful child,