Toddler: 15 mths - 2.5 yrs
The following Toddler Curriculum is implemented in the Toddler Program. Polka Dot Preschool’s program encourages a higher level in some areas and will include additional activities.
- Circle
- Square
- Triangle
- Rectangle
- Star
- Red
- Brown
- Yellow
- Blue
- Green
- Purple
- Orange
- Black
- White
- Pink
Reciting and Recognition of Upper Case Letters
These are incorporated through fine motor, cognitive & sensory activities, dramatic play, circle time and free activity time. The following concepts will be included:
- Name Recognition
- Matching of colours, shapes, numbers, pictures & objects
- Size graduation: small to large, large to small
- Following direction and listening skills
- Sorting: by size and colour
- Feeling recognition
- Daily calendar – seasons, months, days & numbers
Counting to 1-10
Recognizing 1-5
Sorting by size and colour
- Alphabet – reciting in order of letters
- Recognition of names and people
- Every day stories are read to the children
- Daily Calendar – seasons, months, days & numbers
- During circle times the children have the opportunity to answer questions and sing songs increasing their language development
- Finger painting
- Playdough
- Cut & paste
- Mixing colours
- Using different materials to make their own art expressions
- Window art
- Paper mache’
- Pastels
- Water colours
- Crayons
- Gluing
- Stamping
- Lots more…
Every week the sensory table is changed to incorporate the different themes and different textures:
- Different colours of sand
- Play pellets
- Rice
- Jell-O
- Coloured water
- Leaves
- Cooking activities
- Nature exploration
- Goop
- Playdough
- Lots more…
***Please note that the teachers do a lot more activities and programming with the children and the curriculum is a guideline of what preschool children should know.
Junior Pre-School: 2.5 - 3 yrs
The following Preschool Curriculum is implemented in the Preschool A Program. Polka Dot Preschool’s program encourages a higher level in some areas and will include additional activities.
- Circle
- Square
- Triangle
- Heart
- Oval
- Diamond
- Star
- Red
- Brown
- Yellow
- Blue
- Green
- Purple
- Orange
- Black
- White
- Pink
Reciting and Recognition of Upper Case Letters
These are incorporated through fine motor, cognitive & sensory activities, dramatic play, circle time and free activity time. The following concepts will be included:
- Name recognition
- Matching of colours, shapes, numbers, pictures & objects
- Size graduation: small to large, small-medium-large, large to small
- Following direction and listening skills
- Sorting: by size, colour & category
- Sequencing
- Printing of first name
- Feeling recognition
- Opposites – difference
- Daily calendar – seasons, months, days & numbers
Counting to 1-20
Recognizing 1-10
Sorting by weight, size and colour
Sequencing by colour, shape and object
- Alphabet – reciting and recognizing letters and order of letters
- Recognition and spelling of their name
- Tracing of letters
- Every day stories are read to the children
- Daily Calendar – seasons, months, days & numbers
- During circle times the children have the opportunity to answer questions and sing songs increasing their language development
- Finger painting
- Playdough
- Cut & paste
- Mixing colours
- Using different materials to make their own art expressions
- Window art
- Paper mache’
- Pastels
- Water colours
- Crayons
- Gluing
- Stamping
- Lots more……
Every week the sensory table is changed to incorporate the different themes and different textures:
- Different colours of sand
- Play pellets
- Rice
- Jell-O
- Coloured water
- Leaves
- Cooking activities
- Nature exploration
- Goop
- Playdough
- Lots more…
***Please note that the teachers do a lot more activities and programming with the children and the curriculum is a guideline of what preschool children should know.
Senior Pre-School: 3 - 4yrs
The following Preschool Curriculum is implemented in the Preschool B classroom. Polka Dot Preschool encourages a higher level in some areas and will include additional activities.
- Patterning: using objects, shapes, colours
- Sizes graduation: small to large, small-medium-large, large to small, more or less or equal to
- Simple addition & subtraction using objects
- Sorting into different categories: size, colour, objects
- Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, heart, oval, diamond, hexagon, octagon
- Colours: red, brown, yellow, blue, green, purple, orange, black, white
- Numbers: counting and recognizing 1-30
- Putting numbers in sequential order: what comes before, what comes after
- Printing numbers 1-10
- Creating patterns using a variety of objects
- Placing cards in order of occurrence in every day living. For example: first I get up, then I eat and then I brush my teeth
- Identifying missing numbers in sequential order: what comes before, what comes after
- Alphabet: reciting and recognition of letters
- Name recognition and recognition of simple words e.g. cat, dog, hat
- Following direction & listening skills
- Opposites & difference
- Daily calendar: seasons, months, days & numbers
- Feelings recognition
- During circle times, the children will have the opportunity to ask questions and sing songs to increase their language development
- Following directions & listening skills
- Printing the alphabet letters in worksheets at school
- Forming rhyming words
- Lots more…
- Children songs
- Sculptures
- Water colours
- Mosaics
- Paper mache`
- Spin art
- Natural crafts: using pinecones, leaves, flowers, twigs, etc
- Window art
- Finger painting
- Pastels
- Lots more…
- Sink & float experiments
- Properties of matters: solid to liquid, liquid to gas
- Human anatomy
- Space
- Colour mixing
- Cooking activities
- Measurements
- Weighing of different objects: heavy, light, big, small
- Nature exploration
- Microscopic & magnifying lens
- Exploring different animals
- Volcanic experiments
- Solar system
- The Earth
- Baking activities
- Play pellets
- Sand
***Please note that these are just some examples of what the Preschool B Curriculum is like. The teachers do a lot more activities and programming with the children.
Junior & Senior K: 4 - 6yrs
At Polka Dot Preschool, we follow the 4 frames of the Ontario Kindergarten Curriculum:
- Belonging & Contributing
- Self Regulation & Well Being
- Demonstrating Literacy Mathematics Behaviours
- Problem Solving and Innovating
By the end of Junior Kindergarten, students attending Polka Dot Preschool, will be able to do the following:
- Build on daily vocabulary while eating, talking, walking etc.
- Sing songs and participate in a variety of activities to foster a greater vocabulary.
- Message centre- children can send messages to friends and family (write “to, from, I love you, mom, dad and name”) and can draw pictures/add stickers etc.
- Beginning to print lower case alphabet letters using markers, crayons and pencils.
- Retell simple stories read to them.
- Begin to recognize sounds of alphabet letters ( e.g. C, T, S, M, D).
- Jolly Phonics – Introduce Books & CD.
- Introduce simple 3 letter rhyming words (e.g. cat, hat, bat, mat, sat) introduction.
- Identifying familiar/common words such as, “I, a, is, at, we, he, my, of, stop, love etc.”
- Introduction to various simple rhyming poems to enhance literacy skills.
- Recognize upper case alphabet letters A to Z.
- Practice sequencing events using picture cards.
- Write name and various 3-4 letter words that are relevant to the students or the theme at the writing centre.
- Print upper and lower case letters of the alphabet A to Z in printing books.
- Understanding one to one correspondence objects 1-20 (counting).
- Beginning to recognize numbers 1-31 on daily calendar.
- Counting by 2’s –20, 10’s-100.
- Introduction to counting by 1’s-100 after learning how to count 1-50.
- Printing numbers 1-20 independently; up to 30 if capable.
- Creating patterns using a variety of objects. Patterning with calendar numbers each month as well.
- Simple addition and subtraction concepts 1-10 (ensure students understand that add means more and subtract means less).
- Bigger/smaller than – comparing objects.
- Weight – Heavier/lighter than.
- Experiment with capacity – which cup holds more water? How many cups will it take to fill the container? – Length (shorter/longer than).
- Estimation – Guessing how many objects are in the jar? Guess and count.
- Graphing – simple bar/pictographs.
- Introduction to basic spatial relationships in/out, on/under, beside/above, in front/behind etc.
- Introduction to 3-D shapes – cone, cube, pyramid, cylinder and sphere.
- Learning basic shapes – circle, square, diamond, rectangle, triangle, oval, star.
- Exposure to hexagon, pentagon, octagon, (stop sign) shapes.
- Identifying missing numbers on the calendar game.
- Awareness of sequential events.
- Exploring the world around us through hands on activities and experiments (e.g. creating erupting volcanoes etc.)
- Study of plants – how they grow, what they need, introduction to plant parts.
- Exploring the human body: how it functions, why we need all part of our body.
- Introduction to the earth and the sun, moon and stars.
- Study of insects and butterflies – exploring the similarities and differences, bringing them into the classroom for further exploration.
- Exploring the seasons – changes in temperature, what animals do in each respective season, hands on experiments involving snow, leaves, seeds etc.
- Counting 1-10 in French.
- Saying the Alphabet in French.
- Introduction to days of the week.
- Identifying the basic colours through games, songs and daily practice.
- Building on daily vocabulary: while eating, talking, walking etc.
- Listening to instructions and being able to answer questions such as, “How are you?”, “What is your name?” etc.
- Singing songs and participating in a variety of activities to foster language recognition.
Junior & Senior K: 4 - 6yrs
By the end of Senior Kindergarten, students attending Polka Dot Preschool will be able to do the following:
- Message centre- children can send messages to friends/family. Recognizing words – To, from, I love you, mom/dad, names etc) and can draw pictures/ add stickers etc.
- Shared reading and writing: the teacher models reading and writing, the children can then work together on a variety of genres such as poems, fictions and non-fictions.
- Reading mini books both in the classroom and at home.
- Able to listen to, comprehend and discuss a story read to them.
- Building on daily vocabulary while eating, talking, walking etc.
- Able to ask relevant questions.
- Choral reading of a variety of poems to enhance literacy skills – poetry books- drawing pictures about the poem.
- Drawing and writing sentences in their journals.
- Retelling simple stories read to them in proper sequence.
- Recognizing the sounds of consonants and vowels.
- Recognizing upper and lower case letters.
- Identifying common familiar words found in most sentences (mom, dad, I, etc.)
- Hearing and recognizing beginning and ending sounds of words.
- Identifying and printing 3 letter rhyming words such as hug, bug, rug, mug etc.
- Beginning to recognize forms of punctuation: period, question mark & exclamation mark.
- Print upper case and lower case letters of the alphabet A to Z in printing books.
- Sing songs and participate in a variety of activities to foster a greater vocabulary.
- Understanding one to one correspondence.
- Counting 1-100 and higher.
- Recognizing numbers 1-31 on daily calendar.
- Recognize most numbers from 1-100 (100’s day celebration) and note the repeating patterns e.g. 5, 15, 25 etc.
- Counting by 2’s to 20, 5’s to 20, 10’s to 100.
- Placing numbers in sequential order- what comes before, what comes after.
- Printing numbers 1-31; up to 100 if they are capable.
- Creating patterns using a variety of objects.
- Simple addition and subtraction concepts and equations to 10.
- Ensure that students understand that add means more and subtract means less.
- Greater than/Less than (what is bigger, what is smaller?).
- Creating a variety of graphs (bar, pictographs, tally charts).
- Able to extract information from the graph e.g. more children like apples than pears.
- Beginning to use ordinal numbers in a variety of everyday contexts.
- Explore different Canadian coins using coin manipulative.
- Explore measurements – length, mass, capacity, temperature (hot, cold, cool, warm) of objects and passage of time using non-standard units.
- Demonstrate an understanding of basic spatial relationships and movements (in/out, on/under).
- Estimation – guessing how many objects are in a jar? Guess and count.
- Weight- heavier/lighter than.
- 3-D shape recognition – cone, cube, pyramid, cylinder, sphere, hexagon, pentagon, octagon.
- Exploring the world around us through hands-on activities and experiments ( e.g. creating erupting volcanoes etc).
- Study of plants – how they grow, what they need, identifying basic plant parts. (root, leaf, flower).
- Exploring the human body: how it functions, what it looks like.
- Study of insects and butterflies – identifying the similarities and differences, bringing them into the classrooms for further exploration.
- Exploring the seasons – changes in temperature, what animals do in each respective season, hands on experiments involving snow, leaves, seeds etc.
- Sorting living and non living things.
- Investigating how different forces make things move (e.g. the wind, water etc).
- Solving problems while designing and constructing things, using a range of tools, materials and techniques.
- Counting 1 to 30 in French.
- Identifying the basic colours through games, songs and daily practice.
- Learning the names of the days of the week and months of the year.
- Building on daily vocabulary while eating, talking, walking etc.
- Listening to instructions and being able to answer questions such as, “How are you?”, “What is your name?” etc.
- Singing songs and participating in a variety of activities to foster language recognition.
- Introduction to family names and some animal words.
- Being able to respond to questions asked in French.